
TinyLife Big Push 2023 Sponsored By Start Solar

Micah Adams

Micah Adams

My Story

I'm taking part in the TinyLife Big Push to help raise vital funds for TinyLife!

Micah was born at 25+5 weeks, in Wolverhampton, in February of 2022, when he Was strong enough too, in April of 2022 we were allowed to fly to the Ulster Nicu, where we met an amazing team of people including Tiny Life, on my low day while Micah was there I always had a listen ear or someone to sit and chat too. As a young single parent to a small tiny baby it was amazing. They explained different things I can get help with, they helped me locate clothes for my tiny baby boy and even explained the process of taking him home and staying safe! 

since we were discharged from the Nicu, Tiny life are still part of our lives, and a huge help. Micah and myself want to give back, we have already donated clothes for the tiny babies that may not have any!! 

I want to ask for you to help us to help them! 



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

I'm taking part in the TinyLife Big Push to help raise vital funds for TinyLife!

Micah was born at 25+5 weeks, in Wolverhampton, in February of 2022, when he Was strong enough too, in April of 2022 we were allowed to fly to the Ulster Nicu, where we met an amazing team of people including Tiny Life, on my low day while Micah was there I always had a listen ear or someone to sit and chat too. As a young single parent to a small tiny baby it was amazing. They explained different things I can get help with, they helped me locate clothes for my tiny baby boy and even explained the process of taking him home and staying safe! 

since we were discharged from the Nicu, Tiny life are still part of our lives, and a huge help. Micah and myself want to give back, we have already donated clothes for the tiny babies that may not have any!! 

I want to ask for you to help us to help them! 

Micah Adams is fundraising towards